Nov 25, 2020 | Environment, Featured, Inspiring Interviews, Overpopulation & Climate Breakdown
This artice was written and published in greek, three months ago, with the occasion of the World Childfree Day (1/8) which was founded in 1973 in the United States by the National Alliance for Optional Parenthood, at the time the National Organisation for Non-Parents...
May 7, 2020 | Featured, World News
On the 21st of January 2020, twenty-five pigs have been found abandoned in an illegal landfill in the Lombardia region (Cadegliano Viconago). According to investigators, it is not excluded that they were raised and then slaughtered illegally: The area, completely...
Mar 5, 2020 | Featured, Media, Past Projects
Recently, I was given the opportunity to speak about Ethos & Empathy, my experience as a wild-animal care-taker and other stuff, by Tofu Steve who is hosting the podcasts “Beyond Species”. If you would like to listen to our conversation here is the...